Monday, February 21, 2011

The Drive

Sometimes I wish I would of started this drive a little earlier on this journey.
I was always the type to say,
"we'll get there when we get there"
but now I want to be there and I'm not there.
My dream, my goal
it was never slept on
it just wasn't as aggressively pursued.
I spent too much time in cruise control and not in the fastlane.
Now my goal is sightseeing and I'm fixated on the sights.
I have dreams, supreme.
Entangled in the arts, caught up is my heart.
My goals in life have multiplied,
pursuing them I'll do until the day I die.
I wish I could paint you this picture
picturesque & panoramic
I'm not too far off because I'm in the vicinity
but I've got to get going because now is where I want to be
but I'm still working on getting there.
Now is the place and this is the this the time,
so don't count me as late,
I just merely haven't arrived.


Anonymous said...

I love the poem...and just as well I feel the same way. Like my focus level is sky high now but I didn't have focus like this a few years ago. but it's cool. Everything happens on time no matter how long it takes, never forget it.

Jamo said...

Much respect homie. Reading the poeam and relating it to my like I would have thought I was riding shotgun wit u. Check me out freshwit/ @wdj3

Anonymous said...

sup dude! can anyone tell me how to design the layout like this? just all black is needed. Help me. I don't know how to edit it.

Lindy Blake said...

Thanks Mikeman for your inspiring prose! I'm off to follow!

A said...

Nice to see a fellow Arizonan on here! I love your pieces. Personal but relate-able. Good stuff (:

ABIGAIL NY said...

Very relate-able, and love the poem too!

Anne R. said...

Muito bom... Amei o blogger !!!

Entra lá...


Anonymous_X said...

"So don't count me as late,
I just merely haven't arrive."

Powerful end to the poem. :) Nice.