Monday, June 25, 2012

Black Aquarium

So I started my aquarium back up
(after a good 4 year hiatus)

So a lil older, a bit more grown

I came back with a smooth, impressive

Black Aquarium
Azul is my Betta fish
He's a beast when it comes to eating his bloodworms. So vicious. A curious lil fella that gets into the weirdest positions and places
and does the oddest things
but it's cool because that iridescent color
he's got going on is immaculate!

4 African Dwarf Frogs
Yes, 2 are actually albino/white/blonde
I've always had these frogs as a pet ever since 4th grade
It's fun to watch them inhabit the bottom of the aquarium
sans the fighting

One pretty cool aquarium


Anonymous said...


anamika said...

Ahli Ilmu SEO said...

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